
至于爱情,值得用更好的方式去对待让对方看到心疼的句子#3 。

As for love, it deserves better.

没什么,就是忘了怎么哭让对方看到心疼的句子#3 。

Nothing. I just forgot how to cry.

面向太阳,你就看不到影子让对方看到心疼的句子#3 。

Face the sun and you can't see the shadow.

情人眼里出西施?不,是你让对方看到心疼的句子#3 。

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder? No, it's you.

遇见坏人让你疯狂让对方看到心疼的句子#3 。

Meet the bad guys make you crazy.

遇见你是一切美好的开始让对方看到心疼的句子#3 。

Meeting you was the beginning of everything.


亲爱的让对方看到心疼的句子#3 ,你为什么不回来?

Honey, why don't you come back?

暂时放弃他就够了让对方看到心疼的句子#3 。

It's enough to give them up for now.

有一个人,你来了,就好了让对方看到心疼的句子#3 。

There is a person, you came, it is good.

我的笑点很低,你笑我就笑让对方看到心疼的句子#3 。

My laughter is very low, you laugh I laugh.

我不会再像以前那样爱你,对你的爱意只会与日俱增让对方看到心疼的句子#3 。

I don't love you as much as I did before, but each day grows.

我非常喜欢你,因为我无事可做让对方看到心疼的句子#3 。

I like you very much because I have nothing to do.

